Labels:encyclical | window OCR: ++N COTO MAIN CHESS TUTOE The Parn only be orh 1 point, hut NOU ill s [NEXT PAGE] it can The Pann generally ean ol MOVe 1 squar Foruards but ther aY rile sEarE oF a gake, P-axt anou fex either 1 or 2 squares Foruard, buE Fler this iF only Move one square aF tixe (see Eop diagrax) F The other exception is when a Paun captures piece In this instance the Paun Moves diagonally 1 Forwards FO side capEur piece. In Fhe hoE the white Paun can capture black's Bishop, or if iE is blacks Eurn Eo MOVe, the caT Fake chit Knight The Pawn also Sessassod 2ther qualities 10F which is described on Ehe next page. The other NOve knoun as Fn PassanE is 1 deta page, (see Menu) GH TUTOR orEh woint xi11 useFu1 gaMe Fhis MOYe Sqtare diagran orher then HOUeS backPan POSSeSSe DEMOY